Recent Episodes

Episode 24: David and Kingship

August 2, 2021

Join our hosts as they discuss scriptural portrayals of King David. Who is David in the Bible and the Qur’an? How does this figure allow us to understand Biblical…

Episode 23: Slavery and the Bible

July 6, 2021

Join hosts and guest Professor Emeritus Mark Noll to discuss how slavery was portrayed in the Bible and how Biblical verses were brought into debates over slavery in the…

Episode 22: Sin in Jewish and Christian Scripture

June 7, 2021

Join Tzvi Novick and guest professor Gary Anderson to discuss the historical meaning behind Scriptural metaphors for sin.

Episode 21: Science, the Universe, and Supernatural Beings in the Qur’an

May 3, 2021

Join our hosts and guest Dr. Javad Hashmi to explore the cosmology of the Qur’an and its relevance today. Are the Qur’anic descriptions of creation, including the afterlife and…

Episode 20: War and Peace

April 5, 2021

Join our hosts to discuss violence as it is portrayed in the Bible and the Qur’an. Can martyrdom and holy war be reconciled with a scriptural longing for peace…

Episode 19: Ritual

March 1, 2021

Both the Bible and the Qur’an teach believers how to worship God, how to seek forgiveness for sins, and how to advance spiritually. What are the rituals of the…

Episode 18: Noah

February 1, 2021

What do scriptural depictions of the prophet Noah and the worldwide flood found in the Bible and Qur’an reveal about God’s relationship with humanity?

Episode 17: The Gospel of John with Matt Fradd

January 4, 2021

Guest star Matt Fradd shares his insights on the Gospel of John according to Aquinas.

Series Hosts

Gabriel Reynolds

Gabriel Reynolds


Francesca Murphy

Francesca Murphy

Christian Scholar

Tzvi Novick

Tzvi Novick

Jewish Scholar

Mun'im Sirry

Mun’im Sirry

Muslim Scholar

Featured Guests

Together with Tzvi Novick, Nathan Eubank explores the development and the significance of historical criticism of the Bible in Episode 7.

Nathan Eubank
University of Notre Dame

Robert Alter joins the team of hosts and David Bentley Hart in Episode 4, where they converse about translating scripture.

Robert Alter
University of California, Berkeley

David Bentley Hart appears in Episode 4 alongside Robert Alter to discuss the challenges of translating Scripture.

David Bentley Hart
University of Notre Dame

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